Number of Unique Paths using Python3

 Number of Unique Paths

I solved this problem using recursion, on geeksforgeeks, we need to find the all the unique path to reach the bottom.

Question: url



class Solution:
dct = {}
#Function to find total number of unique paths.
def count_path(self,a,b, i,j, count):
if i> a or j > b:
return 0
if i == a and j ==b:
return 1
if str(i)+"_"+str(j) in self.dct:
return self.dct[str(i)+"_"+str(j)]
count = count + self.count_path(a,b,i+1,j, count)
self.count_path(a,b,i,j+1, count)
self.dct[str(i)+"_"+str(j)] = count
return self.dct[str(i)+"_"+str(j)]

def NumberOfPaths(self,a, b):
#code here
self.dct = {}
return self.count_path(a-1,b-1,0,0,0)

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