Longest Increasing Subsequence using Golang

Longest Increasing Subsequence using Golang:

This question most frequently asked in tech companies. Solved this question based on backtracking, with O(n) extra space which used to maintain the sequence count.

Question Link: https://www.interviewbit.com/problems/longest-increasing-subsequence/

longest increasing subsequence


* @input A : Integer array
* @Output Integer
func lis(A []int ) (int) {
tempList := make([]int, len(A)+1)
var finalSize int
for i:=0;i<len(A); i++ {
tempNump := A[i]
maxNum := 1
for j:=i-1;j>=0;j--{
if tempNump > A[j] {
if tempList[j] + 1 > maxNum {
maxNum = tempList[j]+1
tempList[i] = maxNum
if maxNum > finalSize{
finalSize = maxNum
return finalSize

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