Python Multiple Choice Questions and answers
These Python question are designed to prepare for interview and checking the knowledge about basic python. I go through many books and websites to find out these question, if you are experience then its help you to revise your logic and knowledge about python, but if you are new in that case these question help you to boost your knowledge.
For Multiple choice programming question, Please select your best options, its very helpful if you response in comment box for your complete solution with explanation.
1. what is the output of below code snippet
a = "*"
2. what is the output of below code snippet
a = "1"
b = 2
3. is python3 case sensitive while handling with identifiers?
4. What is the output of below code snippet?
a = [1,2]
5. What is the output of below code snippet?
numbers = set([10,11,12,30,30,10,14,14])
6. What is the output of below code snippet?
a = [1,2]
b = set([1,1,2])
print(a == b)
These are fundamental python questions that are meant to test your understanding of basic python concepts. The answers to these questions were generated using the Python 3 IDE, therefore please attempt to run them with Python 3 IDE. If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments area.